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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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"Rare Discounts"
Some games go on sale rarely or never. It'd be great to see when titles are "rare deals" when I'm searching or on the item page
Thank you for making this site
I find lots of fun sales.
Filter by number of players or style of multiplayer (co-op, competive)
This would make it easier to find good games for party night or for a co-op night in with my partner.
Add steam
Monitoring steam deals would be great
Filter by Switch-Exclusive Titles
A simple filter to filter game titles exclusive to the Switch console.
Import Games Collection
Add an option to import games by adding a list of titles. Example: Far Cry® New Dawn FAR: Lone Sails Farm for your Life Farming Simulator 17 - Platinum Edition Fearful Symmetry & the Cursed Prince FINAL FANTASY XV POCKET EDITION Fishing Planet Sim
Buy TEAM DEKU a cup of coffee BUTTON
You guys rock. Can you add an easy button for Buy Us A Cup. We'd love to push you a buck or 10 from time to time to show our appreciation for your great work .... and for saving us bucks too.
Release Calendar
It'd be great to see upcoming releases on the site in some nicer way
Sort by Opencritic
Opencritic is a lot more comprehensive than Metacritic, and has scores for a lot more games than metacritic. An option to filter /sort by Opencritic would be a killer feature I think.
More than one country
Hi there, it could be great to watch more than one country, since sometimes there are very interesting physical deals on the other side the borderland. e.g. I'm in France, there are great deals in Germany and Spain on physical games.
Notify me if a game I wishlisted is discounted as part of a collection
For example, if I have wishlisted AC Odyssey on PS4 Digital (currently 60 USD), we can presume I am interested in AC Antiquity Pack on PS4 Digital (currently 25 USD) which includes it, even if I haven't wishlisted AC Antiquity Pack. In addition to b
"Lowest Price Ever" should have a different colour than "Matches Lowest Price"
"Lowest Price Ever" should have a different colour than "Matches Lowest Price" - make it stand out a bit more! would be good as a quick visual clue about what to snap my vision to.
Link to My Nintendo Wishlist
Is there a way to link up with a My Nintendo account so we can have the same wishlist on here and there?
"hide developer" "hide publisher" button
Allow hiding a whole company at once, but add a confirmation button like "are you sure you want to hide this developer? Their games won't show up anymore in your hottest deals, eShop sales or recent deals" to keep mistakes to a minimum
Exclude Games from suggestions
Maybe add a "not interested" button or tag that you can add to games so they stop being suggested or showing up for yourself.
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